Friday, April 10, 2009

Lacie, Senior 2nd shoot. Jenelle & Jordan, Belly Session, and lots of other info!!

Miss Lacie is my last 2nd shoot Senior for 2009. I'm going to miss this girl! She is so much fun and always has a smile every time I see her :) I wish you the best Lacie, you are a sweet and fabulous girl and you will go very far in life if you keep that same spirit you have now. :) Keep in touch with me when you head off to Findlay!!



MY FAV!!!!


Next up is my favorite belly session ever, and for good reason. Meet Dylan! He's in the belly you see below, and he's MY NEW NEPHEW!! <3 This is my awesome brother, Jordan and his beautiful wife, Jenelle.


They are expecting in June, doesn't she look FABULOUS?! I keep telling her how great she looks, but she never believes me. :)


I'm blessed with two brothers, as I'm sure most of you know. My older brother Jade has proven to be a wonderful father, and I cannot wait for Jordan to step right up to the plate with Dylan. If you even mention Dylan in his presence, you can see his face light up. He's already the proudest daddy! Dylan, you are a lucky boy to have such a great man to teach you about life.


Jenelle is such a beautiful girl and as she has gotten farther into her pregnancy, she only gets more gorgeous. I'm so happy that Dylan will have such a caring Mommy! And that she has the shopping addiction like your Aunt Jamie & Aunt Mandy. Boy, you are gonna be well-dressed :)


Congrats Jordan and Jenelle. And Dylan... Your Aunt Jamie loves you tons and tons! :)


Some Studio News for you:

For those of you who missed our Easter QuickTakes, there will be another opportunity to take advantage of that coming this Summer. I had such an overwhelming response that I am going to offer them again. Look for dates on the blog soon!

"FOREVER LOVE" Limited Edition Sessions
Looking for the perfect Mother's Day gift? "Forever Love" is just that! A limited amount of sessions will be offered for this promotion of portraits for Mommies and their Children. Capturing any ages from mommies with newborns to grandmas with their children and grandchildren. These special portraits will be taken from April 4th - April 21st and when ordered on or before April 28th will be ready for Mother's Day on May 10th. These Limited Edition sessions are available for $60 which is a $90 savings from the regular $150 session fee! Get your session booked now, these will go fast!

Attention Seniors! Like what you see of Lacie above? Book your Senior session now as we are filling up FAST! Some Rep positions are still available for the following schools: Lincolnview, Delphos Jefferson, Crestview, Minster, Coldwater, Celina, Wayne Trace, and Bellmont in Indiana. Don't miss out! Reps get amazing deals!

On to something more personal now.... I have a friend who needs prayers right now. Leigha (Click on her name, and you will get to her blog) who I went to Jr. High/ High School with has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and was in remission for a period of time. She found out that it is back. Please read her blog, comment to her (Because everyone LOVES comments!) and please please pray for her. God has done so many wonderful things in my life through prayer, and I know it works, so I'm counting on all of you to help her out and pray!

So I had found out that her cancer was back last Saturday morning by perusing my Facebook before my shoot for Lacie. I was totally caught off guard by it and was fiercely praying all morning; in the shower, while I brushed my teeth, putting on my makeup, getting dressed, the car ride to the studio, even during my shoot with Lacie in my quiet moments while she was changing, I was praying. I was checking out some places to shoot at an old barn we were at, praying while I walked and this is what I happened upon:

I think it was a way of God saying: "I hear you, Jamie." I was blown away :) I love it when God rocks my world! Keep Leigha in your thoughts and prayers and keep your eyes open for ways to bless someone today. God works in mysterious ways! :)
Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Leigha Wieman said...

Thank you Jamie!!! You are so awesome!! And God is definitely working. He always does! I am kicking this things butt so hard that it will never come back. God is so much greater than canser and any other disease. Thank you for the prayers! Keep 'em coming!!! Love ya!!