Saturday, June 5, 2010

Carpe Diem... Tara Lynne Scare

I remember being in elementary school and walking in line with my class to the "big gym". I loved being able to walk past the art room window. I always looked for two people's artwork, my cousin Shannon's and Tara Scare's. They were my art "hollywood" as a child. Tara had a way of drawing form. Even if it was cartoon like and anime, she just had a touch that drew me into her artwork. I remember not only admiring her for her God-given skill, but also for her off the cuff personality. I was just a child, but her free-spirit enveloped me. Tara was not someone who you could take your eyes off of. Even as a child, I sensed she was always the highlight of the room.

I was lucky enough to photograph Tara's artwork and share it with you here. I wish that I would have been able to tell her that she inspired me, but Tara is in her heavenly home now. Her sister Trisha (known as "Terb" ALL my life), was gracious enough to bring her entire collection to be photographed. These photographs will be turned into prints and will be for sale at a benefit held in her honor. Learn more about her benefit here, and please plan on attending. It will be held at her parents gorgeous home in Plesant Mills, IN on June 12.

Whats posted here is just a few of my favorites. There is an entire collection (I'm not kidding, it's a LOT of beautiful artwork!) available to purchase. Prepare to be inspired...











This is not a drawing. It's a painting. So talented, so so talented...

Tara's life was lived under the Carpe Diem way of life. Here's something I found on her website...
There are 365 days in each year; there are 24 hours in each day and 60 minutes in each hour. Everyone of us has the opportunity to decide how we will choose to spend our time. Some will spend time working to excel. Some will spend time working to maintain. Nevertheless, others will spend time falling behind. In retrospect, we view this as time we could have made a positive impression on others. Then there are those who have merely wasted their time.


Thank you Tara for a lifetime of inspiration.

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