OK, this is it, darn it!
I am going to blog every. day.
I am going to make myself do it and I am going to POST THIS ADDRESS EVERYWHERE!!!!
I am a photographer.
I am just beginning on this exciting and scary journey. And sometimes I can be a total wimp.
Prepare yourself. It's more than likely going to be a bumpy ride, but I have my seat belt on, and I'm ready to go!
So I emailed Jasmine Star (www.jasmine-star.com) the other day with absolutely NO expectations of ever hearing back because, like duh, she's FLIPPING AMAZING AND WHY WOULD SHE EMAIL *ME* back....
She emailed me back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The excessive exclamations reveal how I almost peed my pants when I saw the email. Seriously.
So she said that I should just follow God, and he holds it all for me and the sky is the limit. I love her so so so much more for this. I mean I loved already with the force of a thousand suns, but this, *this* was... wow... there are no words.
She then directed me to her old blog, the one she started when she was just beginning. I have cried all morning while I was reading.
It's so hard to remember that these people all started somewhere. reading these posts and the snippets of how she is faithful and how her dreams rely on God at the same time, it's so familiar to me. I know that we all have people we relate to through their writing, but it's something about her words and the way she describes the emotions of starting this journey that make this fire in my belly start to boil... and in the way that makes me well up with tears. I am there, what she describes is where I am now, and it gives me so much more hope for the future.
I think that if I were to ever meet her I would be like the sappy 15 year old meeting the Beatles for the first time. There would not be enough tissues and I think my face would break from the smile. She is ah.maz.ing. and I'm not even kidding.
The best part about all this is that God led me to email her. I am not the type that just emails my hero's, because I know I am not even a blip on the radar...yet. I was staring at the blank email screen thinking "what are you going to say to not sound like an idiot." and then it just overtook my fingers and I didn't even know what I typed until it was done. I spilled my head out to her. And she emailed me back with encouraging words, definatly not something she had to do.
God works in mysterious ways. and I love him even more for that. My heart is bursting at the seams right now. I can't wait for the adventure he has penned for me, I can't wait to receive an email from someone as Jasmine did one day, and I can't wait to lift them up with encouraging and faithful words.
God is good. all the time.
Thank you jasmine. You have made my year. :)
YEAH! First one to comment!
Good job on getting a blogger blog, they are the best=)
You need to print the email and put it in something nice. That way any day in the future you are feeling a little sluggish you can pull it out and remember what you are feeling right now.
Can't wait to see everything fall into place Jamie=) I have been that person starting out and in awe of oh so many. I am still not anywhere near where I would like to be, not even close actually. But we have been able to accomplish some things that we thought were unreachable. That is what makes being a business owner so rewarding=)
Here's to you and all your success!
I have re-read that email 25 times. I think I have it memorized!! :)
Your so awesome Brandy, thank you. I am so lucky to have such great photographers as friends. Just hope we get to meet in the flesh someday! Definatly coffee... definatly!!!!!
Soooo, do I get extra brownie points for leaving a comment too?! ;) KIDDING!
You are far too sweet, but I thank you nevertheless for your support! :)
I should have stated a blog a long time ago, i think it would have tripped my rocket booster to get going on this :) lol!
Jasmine, you get unlimited brownie points for life and beyond!! :))
I wanted to share with you that one of my many ideas came to be fruitful this week. I will share this in a different email and not on here, but I think that reading your "old" blog and praying alot and just seeing how incredible your journey is, and how mine is blossoming, has revived my faith.
I cannot say thank you enough. You are truly amazing, and I hope i get to meet you someday! :)
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